Customer information
Identity and address of the shop assistant
They conclude(close) the bill of sale with Clever And favorable, Reinhard Bartloff, Königsberg-street 131, 48157 cathedral.
You find other(farther) details to the shop assistant in the imprint. All prices are retail prices without sales tax (small enterpriser after §19 UStG).
Product info
With in this Webshop-Clever-und-Guenstig-angebotenen goods(wares), it concerns German products also in Germany are produced.
The products are produced of qualitatively high-quality base materials.
Order process
The order process occurs(takes place) in 3 steps:
1. Goods basket
In the detailed view of the articles(items) you select(elect) the colour and the number(quantity). With the badge \\\"Add to the goods basket \\\"you add your choice to the goods basket. You can look at the contents of the goods basket any time, numbers of pieces change, articles(items) extinguish and look at the detailed view of the articles(items).
With the badge \\\"to the cash(checkout) \\\" you reach(get) to step 2.
2. Address
Here you give the data(dates) necessary for the order winding up, as for example address of delivery. If you wanted you can register yourselves here also as a user. This saves you with the next order(appointment) the whole tip work, because to itself the system notices your data(dates) which you can change, however, any time yourselves.
Tip(Indication): We use your stored data(dates) only for the order winding up (see also under data protection).
They preserved from us also no unrequested(unrequesitioned) newsletters.
With the badge \\\"Weiter \\\" you reach(get) to step 3.
3. Order(Appoint)
Here you can control(inspect) everything once again, address of delivery, ordered(appointed) goods(wares), forwarding expenses etc.
If you have read our terms of business and the conditions(terms) to the cancellation right, put(place) the hook(tick) belonging(proper) in addition.
Only now you can conclude(close) with the badge \\\"order(appointment) \\\" send off(dispatch) your order(appointment) really to us.
If your order(appointment) has arrived(come true) with us, receive from us a confirmation email to the email address which you have given(declared) with the order(appointment).
Please, select(elect) here under \\\"Versandmethode \\\" the forwarding expenses-all-inclusive EU zone 1 or All over Germany.
Dispatch, forwarding expenses
If not differently(else) given(declared) occurred(taken place) the dispatch with the German post (DHL).
The forwarding expenses-all-inclusive amounts to 5.95€ all over Germany, for up to 2 kilogrammes (package) of dispatch weight.
The forwarding expenses-all-inclusive amounts to 8.95€ all over Germany for up to 10 kilogrammes (package(bundle)) of dispatch weight.
Delivery free of forwarding expenses from 100€ of minimum order value all over Germany.
Delivery free of forwarding expenses from 120€ of minimum order value EU zone 1.
Cash on delivery
Forwarding expenses-all-inclusive precash(precheckout) + 5.00€.
EU zone 1 (affected(touched) EU countries are indicated(signalised) in the goods basket)
The forwarding expenses-all-inclusive amounts to 10.90€ for the EU zone 1 for up to 2 kilogrammes (package) of dispatch weight.
Cash on delivery + 5.00€.
Other countries
Zustellkosten for the dispatch beyond the EU zone you get to know on inquiry.
Delivery time
The delivery time amounts to 3-5 working days after entrance of your payment within Germany.
Check immediately(directly) the product(ware) with access(approach) for completeness or damages in transit.
You announce(register) complaints please in writing by mail:
The payment occurs(takes place) against precash(precheckout), PayPal or cash on delivery.
Pay attention please with the payment kind (precash(precheckout)) to the fact that you give up(deliver) no foreign transfer what costs extra fees(charges).
Cancellation instruction
Cancellation right
Consumers have a two-week-long right of return. They can revoke your contract explanation within 14 days without giving reasons in text form (e.g., letter, fax, e-mail) or – if the thing leaves to you before the deadline – by return of the thing. The term begins on receipt of this instruction in text form, however, not before entrance the product(ware) with the receiver (by the returning delivery of goods(wares) of the same kind not before entrance of the first part delivery) and also not before fulfilment of our duties to inform according to article(item) 246 §2 in connection with §1 paragraph 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our duties according to §312e paragraph 1 sentence 1 Civil Code in connection with article(item) 246 §3 EGBGB. For the protection of her Cancellation term the timely sending of the cancellation or the thing is enough. The cancellation is to be directed(turned) in:, Reinhard Bartloff, Königsberg-Str.131, 48157 cathedral, e-mail:
Cancellation results
InCancellation results
In case of an effective cancellation the achievements(performances) received on both sides zurückzugewähren and if necessary pulled(drawn) uses (e.g., interest) are to be published. Are able to do to us the received achievement(performance) all or part not or only in case of an effective cancellation the achievements(performances) received on both sides zurückzugewähren and if necessary pulled(drawn) uses (e.g., interest) are to be published. Are able to do to us the received achievement(performance) all or part not or only in to made worse state(condition) zurückgewähren, you must pay to us in this respect if necessary value compensation. With the surrender of things this is not valid(applies not), if the deterioration of the thing exclusively on their(her) check(test) – how they(she) for you possibly in